Territorial Community

Ile-de-France, 2019


This territorial community in Ile-de-France wishes to enhance a site in a large urban park, by creating a restaurant, a real place of life favoring short supply circuits. When does a great idea become a profitable and feasible concept? That is the question.

Objectif : savoir si la création d’un équipement de restauration correspond aux attentes de la clientèle et savoir si cette création est faisable financièrement.

An on-site analysis of restaurant offer is carried out in the streets, covering nearly 250 restaurants in a predefined area of ​​influence. This analysis is compared to other urban park restaurants in France and in Europe, which gives rise to an innovative concept of restaurant. Which is confronted with the supposed expectations of local population thanks to semi-structured interviews and an analysis of INSEE statistics. When the conceptualization becomes clear, obvious and adopted, the feasibility is questioned on the basis of the return on investment, which takes into account financial aspects (construction costs, amenities) and operational parameters (staff and payroll, material cost). Chefs are contacted for the management of the establishment, which arouses expressions of interest to pursue. The complete study, with different management scenarios, is presented to elected officials for decision to invest.